Twinings Green Tea - Orange & Lotus Flower Green Tea - 4 x 20 Tea Bags - All Natural Flavours - Sugar Free Tea
Twinings Green Tea - Orange & Lotus Flower Green Tea - 4 x 20 Tea Bags - All Natural Flavours - Sugar Free Tea
Lotus flowers are a symbol of the sun. Their beautiful, fragrant petals unfurl each day at the break of dawn to reveal a pure and inner glow. We've blended hints of this delicate flower with a zesty, sun kissed orange flavour and our green tea to create this blend full of sunshine. How do I drink it? We suggest brewing this tea for a maximum of 2 minutes, any longer and you may lose the delicate taste. Allow one single tea bag per person, boil the kettle and let it cool slightly before pouring. Recipe inspiration: Elderflower & Orange Lotus Iced Tea - Twinings Green Tea - Orange & Lotus Flower Green Tea - 4 x 20 Tea Bags - All Natural Flavours - Sugar Free Tea
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